- a [[recipe]]. - for running an [[agora]] on [[coop cloud]]. - #go https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/agora - #go2 https://git.coopcloud.tech/flancian/agora - Troubleshooting [[coop cloud recipes]]: - After e.g.: abra app deploy -C link.agor.ai: - abra app logs link.agor.ai - abra app errors --watch link.agor.ai - abra app ps -w link.agor.ai - Log into the host and run e.g. `docker stack ps link_agor_ai --no-trunc` - Specially useful if containers are not coming up at all! - [[3wc]] also recommended temporarily replacing the entrypoint with tail /dev/null - You can do this in [[docker compose]], meaning overriding the container entrypoint: - `entrypoint: ['tail', '-f', '/dev/null']`